Candace Page Estate
Antique Furniture, Glassware, Art Glass, Household Etc.
Tractor, Van, Tools & Misc.
Lot New Cabinets & Fixtures (NIB), (2) Portable buildings
Whole House Bulk Bid on Additional Adjacent House
ALSO SELLING 2022 Golf Cart & Mahindra C27 Tractor w/Loader
Saturday, March 8, 10:00 AM
11787 W. Farm Rd. 168, Republic, MO
Candace Page Estate
Antique Furniture, Glassware, Art Glass, Household Etc.
Tractor, Van, Tools & Misc.
Lot New Cabinets & Fixtures (NIB), (2) Portable buildings
Whole House Bulk Bid on Additional Adjacent House
ALSO SELLING 2022 Golf Cart & Mahindra C27 Tractor w/Loader
Saturday, March 8, 10:00 AM
11787 W. Farm Rd. 168, Republic, MO
DIRECTIONS: From Exit 67 (I-44 & N. Republic/Bois D’Arc exit) go South on Hwy N toward Republic to Farm Rd. 168 then West on Farm Rd. 168 to Auction OR from Republic, MO go North on Hwy N to Farm Rd. 168 then West. Watch for signs!
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The following is only a partial listing of a large lifetime accumulation. Due to the volume of merchandise to be sold we will run 2 auction rings starting at 10AM. 1 on furniture, 1 on tools. Farm items & misc, tractor & can sell at 12NOON.
(2) Like new electric leather recliners w/massage! New pillowback loveseat sectional! (2) new uphol swivel living room chairs! Round top barley twist leg table! Uphol loveseat! Ant lift top blanket chest! Wood & metal sofa/wall table! Nice 5 pc dinette! Sm multi drawer cabinet! Oval tray top display cabinet! New 2 door cubbard cabinet! Stainless top cart! (2) nice oak armoires! (2) nice oak side cabinets! New sofa! (2) new living room chairs! Hall tree! New queen bed! Floral sofa! (2) round top lamp tables! Maple chest! Whit oval chest! Lg china breakfront! (2) lg screen TVs! Nice wooden work table! (2) matching display cabinets! 2 drawer lateral file! Corner maple desk! Antq. Jars w/Zinc Lids! (2) Huge 30” Copper Embossed Wall Plaques! Antq. Pulleys! Primitive Iron Wheels! 2 Lg. Antq. Sawmill Blades! Milk Cans! Galv. Tubs & Buckets! Cast Iron Kettle! Child’s Metal Wagon! Vtg. Metal Lawn Chairs! Metal Patio Furn.! Vtg. Metal Lawn Glider! Vtg. Metal Wash Vat! Horse Drawn Single Shovel! Wooden Chicken Coupe! Painted Wdn. Pie Safe! 2 Antq. Camelback Trunks! Wdn. Patio Chairs & Bench! Vtg. Glassware! Sm. Lot Old Marbles! Other Collectibles! Spirit exercise machine! Misc shelving! Lamps! Side chairs! Maytag washer & dryer! (2) lg new fridgidare chest freezers! Tredle sewing machine! New BBQ grill! Work ladders! (2) nice steel shelves! Lot new kitchenware in boxes! Crocks! Copper items! Native stick built chair! Primitive bench! Ant kitchen cabinet! OVER 100 PCS. Murano art type & decorative glassware! Lots misc pots, pans, dishes, utensils! Fans! Lot new kitchen items new in boxes! Lots new household items in boxes!
MF 235 gas tractor (needs work)! Older Ford Arrowstar van (salvage)! LIKE NEW 3 pt. seeder! 4 New Copper Garden Hose Pots! 4 New Small Space Raised Garden Beds! 6 Corruagted Metal Raised Beds! 6 Large Pottery Planters! Wdn. Potting Table/Bench! Potting Soil! Fat Cat Wire Cage! Hav-A-Hart Live Trap! 100+ Used Steel Posts! A Few Tube Farm Gates! Several Cattle Panels, Like New! Barbed Wire! Sm. Lot Metal Roofing! Zareba SP3B Solar Fencer! Elec. Fence Wire! COSMO 500 3 Pt. PTO Spreader/Fertilizer! Older 3 Pt. PTO Post Hole Digger! Troy-Bilt XP Series 7000W Generator! Asst. Power & Hand Tools! New 5” & Other Vtg. Bench Vises! Drop Cords! New Central Machinery Drill Press! New 1/3 HP Sump Pump! Several Dozen New Canning Jars! New Rolls of Plastic Sheeting! New Tarps! 18 Plastic Barrels! Dozens of Large Plastic Tubs! Lot Plastic Buckets! Lots of Asst. Gardening Supplies! Wire Tomato Cages! Concrete Planters! (4) 20 Lb. Propane Bottles! Car Ramps! Alum. Mower Ramps! Alum. Ladders! Push Mowers! Lawn Roller! 2 Wheel Dolly! Floor Jack! Concrete Blocks! Plastic Pallets! Lots of Oak Lumber! Seasoned Firewood! Numerous Plastic Fuel Cans! Plastic Storage Totes! Plastic Planters! Metal Shelving!
10’x18’ & 10’x15’ Storage Buildings, Nice! Both Sheds are Full of New Building Supplies incl. Home Interior Lighting, Cabinetry, & Surprises! 28 New 5”x5”x8’ Treated Lumber! Roll Alum. Coil Stock! 2 Alum. Awnings! Lg. Lot of Vtg. Wooden House Doors & Windows! (12) cut walnut slabs (10’-14’ long)!
2022 Massimo electric golf cart (4 seater), canopy & street legal! Mahindra C27 Tractor w/Loader! 3 pt. finish mower/brush hog!